The Wayside Harvesters Events

Why we participate in public events

Like the Lord, and the Apostles, we go where the people gather.

At these events people are in good moods, are adventurous and are open to new things and new ideas.

The Wayside Harvesters Booth

You can participate in two ways

Our events offer you two opportunities. One, is to bring a family member, co-worker, or friend to visit our booth with you by their side. Surrounded by the fun of the event it represents an alternative to bringing them to church.

Two, we are always seeking volunteers. Helping us in our booth gives you a chance to watch our witnessing and/or to help us in the work of bringing the Word to the visitors. It also gives you training and confidence in witnessing on your own in your daily life.

If you are interested in volunteering at one or more of our witnessing events, call our office at 760-323-7777 for details.

If we do not answer, please leave your name and phone number and we will get back to you.

Weekly Events


College of the Desert
Palm Desert, CA

When they allow us on campus

Monday – Friday

Office mails out gospel booklets and newsletters worldwide

2023 Events


Riverside County Date Festival
Indio, CA


29 Palms Ministry Event
29 Palms, CA

Strawberry Festival
Garden Grove, CA

Call for details on each


Beaumont Cherry Festival
Beaumont, CA

Call for details


Anza Day – 4th of July Celebration
Anza, CA



Grand Canyon Arizona Witnessing Event

Look for updates here or call us in June


Pioneer Days Event
29 Palms, CA

Halloween Night
Miscellaneous Witnessing Events

Look for updates here or call us for details on each event


Tamale Festival
Indio, CA

Get in Touch . . .

Phone | Fax
Mailing Address

Wayside Harvesters, Inc.
P.O. Box 4307
Palm Springs, CA 92263